Monday, September 21, 2015

End of Pavement, But - another perspective

The Pavement Ends, But 
by Joanne Faries
look forward 
future gleamed bright
from the lighting crew
for life’s stage 
parents bathed us in a soft glow
loving voices bade sweet dreams
sunshine stroked swing sets and hopscotch 
tumbles on the path scraped knees 
veered left and right
climbed education staircase
under fluorescent glare 
cobbled a career
squinted behind windshield
concrete miles to jobs 
shortcuts taken
stuck in mud treks
speed bumps and passing lanes 
We meander more
explore the new
tentative steps 
peer into corners
seek light as the
pavement ends


  1. Hi Joanne ... I was just thinking of cobbles - and now you mention them in your poem - The Pavement Ends, But had cobbled a career ... a great phrase ... so much after the career and pavement end ... we can walk on. Very potent in its thoughts - cheers Hilary

  2. Life is a wonderful journey, is it not? :-)

  3. Love this--so descriptive and the words kept pulling me along the same way life pulls us along its path.

  4. This reads like a fun puzzle. I'm imagining playing with words, and moving a few to the next line. So creative.

    It also seems symbolic to me that I cannot even see the pavement in the photo. It appears to have truly ended, yet so many other things have grown from the ending.

  5. This reads like a fun puzzle. I'm imagining playing with words, and moving a few to the next line. So creative.

    It also seems symbolic to me that I cannot even see the pavement in the photo. It appears to have truly ended, yet so many other things have grown from the ending.

  6. A wonderful poem that as the others have said really evokes powerful memories because of your lovely playing with words. Thank you for sharing :)
