Friday, May 31, 2024

Pearl S. Buck home

While I was in PA, I visited the Pearl S.  Buck home. It's a lovely estate and the docent gave us a very thorough tour. 
Ms.  Buck won the  Pulitzer Prize in 1932 for The Good Earth.  She also won the Nobel Peace Prize in Literature (1938) for "her rich and truly epic descriptions of peasant life  in China. And for her masterpieces - two memoir-biographies of her missionary parents."  
The grounds are gorgeous
She was renowned for her activism for women rights, and also her work on racial equality and mixed race adoptions.  

One faces the future with one's past  1942

Race prejudice is a shadow over all of us, and the shadow is darkest over those who feel it least and allow its evil effects to go on What America Means to Me 1943

One cool side note - my mother, as a child, remembered Pearl S. Buck - a woman in a housedress, with a lot of kids running  about. My mother's family farmed in the area and sold produce to the estate. 



  1. Hi Joanne - I knew her name, but had no idea about the Chinese connection - interesting ... I'll try and get the book out of the library - I'm over the limit at the moment!! Fascinating that you remember your mother telling you about her, and the connection - cheers Hilary

    1. Pearl Buck was raised by her missionary parents in China. She had a lot of connections there. Very interesting and accomplished woman. You can definitely dig deep on her life and works. Enjoy that rabbit hole.
