Friday, August 9, 2024

Finally Friday - Closed for Repair

 Well - dang

I  am having rotator cuff surgery today.   Drat. 

My life of mostly desk  job  and reading got blown  up when  I retired.  Suddenly I became sporty spice - water aerobics, yoga(!),  E-gym machines (ugh!), and pickleball. 

Which one did me in?   Hmmm.  Hard  to say

Anyway - my surgery is today.  90 minutes.  Out patient. 

Then the tough stuff begins - PT    Ugh.  I am crying now as I write this.  I truly have tried to avoid pain my entire life.  And  now sport crap has killed me. 

So, wish me luck and bear with me.  I am pre-posting some stuff to give me a head start. 

Then we'll see what I can type coherently.  It's my left shoulder and I am left handed.

Which means, I'm kinda ambi.   You  can't grow up in this world left handed without being able to do a lot right handed.  BUT - Ray shall be doing a  ton for me.  He's a saint - we know  that. 

Hang with me, my friends and root  for me  to conquer  PT.  

I love you all.  Sorry I may not  comment  on your posts, but I shall be reading.  This is a very long haul  for  4-6 months.  But I am still your friend and I love you a LOT.   


  1. Hi Joanne - I'm thinking of you ... well that's good that it's an out-patient op ... and yes I know Ray is 'a saint' ... bless him and his cotton socks. You two take care of yourselves and each other ... it's not long til Christmas and near enough the finish line. All the best - but just get yourself better first - no worries re us lot ... take care and sent across the pond with a hug in a few months' time - allowing for the mail!! Cheers and seriously - go well - it'll be fine in about 10 days it'll have eased a little - just do that PT... Hilary

  2. Pray everything goes well and you heal quickly.

  3. It's Saturday, so I hope the surgery went well. Take care of yourself, take painkillers when you need them, and rest. This is where Kindles come into their own - you only need one finger to scroll; real books are a two-handed task for me.

    1. Thanks. Did okay. Ray keeps ice machine flowing.
