Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Whatever Wednesday - Someone Else's Shoes by JoJo Moyes

 cover blurb - Who Are You When Forced to Walk in Someone Else's Shoes

JoJo Moyes always writes incredible characters and a fully developed novel.  Nisha Cantor, an American in England, is married to a rich jerk. He's cut her off from everything she owns and her biggest thing (she thinks) is a pair of Louboutin shoes. Alas, at the gym, bags get swapped. The gym closes. And Samantha Kemp ( a middle aged shlub with husband issues) has picked up the bag with those shoes. 

For Sam who's holding on with a thread to a sales job, those shoes prove pivotal to her image. 

When the two women finally meet, they will discover that each needs the other to put right the wrongs that have been done to them - and to the women around them, from Jasmine (a true gem) to Sam's steadfast friend, Andrea.  (cover blurb)

This is a fun read but almost ties up too neatly with a ridiculous solution.  I enjoyed the read, but had to chuckle at the contrived ending. I still recommend this book as a total chick junk brain candy time waster.   And that's okay.  


  1. Hi Joanne - one day I'll read one of her books ... in fact I must - but thanks for another great review. Cheers Hilary

    1. she is very consistent and writes a good tale

  2. Not my type of read although I've read some time wasters in my days.

    1. That's okay. Not your genre, but it's still good writing.

  3. I've never read any JoJo Moyes, but her blurbs are always captivating. I'm trying to read more this year so I might finally get around to her. It sounds like an intriguing premise.

    1. I have found her to be entertaining. No major thinking, but way above fluff.
