I'm writing a shout out to Juanita Crowther - my mother - she's been gone for 18 years, but still in my heart. Shout out to Julia Crowther and Clarissa Shutters -grandmothers - gone, but in my heart and would have been proud of my writing and publications.
Cleo Ivy - Ray's grandmother - truly a wonderful lady and I have yet to write a tale worthy of her spirit.
Joyce Ivy - Ray's mom - my mother-in-law - alive and kicking and awesome. Green thumb extraordinare, amazing cook, and she'll read my crap and be supportive. Hey, she's awesome
The longer I live, the more I realize how spot-on my mother was with life. I admit - I'm a total daddy's girl. He could and can do no wrong. With my mother - eh, it took more time to appreciate her fabulousness. I totally wish I could say, "You were right," to her face. But, instead, I like to think she'd be proud of us all - me, David and family, and Lori.
She'd get a total kick out of her grandchildren (via David) - Lisa in college - gorgeous, smart, and has her act together.
Jeff - high school and clueless - driving David nuts - that would make Mom laugh.
She'd love Ray's grown sons - Chris and Kevin and their kids - Abby and Makyla. She'd spoil 'em and buy them books.
Legacy, history. I'm lucky. I have great memories and can say Happy Mother's Day to the past, present, and future.
Very nice.