Monday, September 23, 2024

Monday Moments - Someone by Alice McDermott

 Someone by Alice McDermott is a well written story about a very ordinary life. Marie is a child with thick  glasses observing life in Brooklyn pre-Depression. Not a beauty, she's the kind of person who is overlooked, but she gleans a  lot through her observations and humor.

back  blurb: Through her first heartbreak and eventual marriage; her brother's brief stint as a Catholic  priest and emotional breakdown; her career as a funeral home "consoling  angel"; the deaths of her parents and the births of her  children - we follow Marie through the changing world of the 20th century and  her  Irish-American enclave. 

Alice  McDermott's writing  is tidy, pithy, and conveys the joy and heartbreak of life with a light touch and rich descriptions  of the environment.  I read this during  a rainy week (yea for us in TX), and it was the perfect book to cozy up to in my chair.


  1. theconontemplativecat here. This sounds like a talented writer took a difficult subject and knocked it out of the park.

    1. A nice quiet read, if you know what I mean. Good for a rainy weekend or the winter ahead. Worthy author.

  2. Another one for my TBR shelf. Thank you. Have a great week ahead.
