Two term Poet Laureate, Billy Collins writes poetry that is sublime. It is plain and yet descriptive. Humor shines through, and each poem paints a slice of life. I like to think I write some poetry, but Mr. Collins's collection humbles me in its simplicity.
cover blurb: By turns playful, ironic, and serious, Collins's poetry captures the nuances of everyday life while leading the reader into zones of inspired wonder.
He often writes about writing poetry, as if he can't believe this is his "job".
Here is the opening of "Velocity" by Billy Collins:
In the club car that morning I had my notebook
open on my lap and my pen uncapped
looking every inch the writer
right down to the little writer's frown on my face
but there was nothing to write about
except life and death
and the low warning sound of the train whistle
He continues to meander with the train, tells a story, and it's so smooth. You don't think "Gosh I'm slogging through a poem." The whole book is full of these short poems disguised as tales of life.
I laughed out loud at the poem "Hangover". The words Marco Polo Marco Polo as spaced on the page are genius.
Aimless Love by Billy Collins will convert you into a poetry lover.
The Edge of the World … a bookshop …
23 hours ago
I like the sound of this book. Sounds like sort of effortless poetry. :-)