Friday, February 2, 2024

Finally Friday - Groundhog Day

Happy Groundhog Day!  Will the groundhog see it's shadow?   Six more weeks of winter ahead?

Here are some  past February snow and ice pics.   We'll see what happens

I sure hope the grid holds up and we keep  power  on. 
A nice dusting of snow is fine, but let's not go crazy. 

Hot chocolate and a good book - I can handle that for  six more weeks. But can Ray?  Ha! He'll be waving the white flag. 

Cheers all and I hope it's a sunny warm weekend. 


  1. Replies
    1. Well this week has been 60s. No shadow here today, so I guess the prediction is early spring. I just hope we don’t leap directly to summer.

  2. Hi Joanne - poor Ray - it will end! Then it'll be too hot ... enjoy the chocolate and all your books - you give us excellent choices. Cheers Hilary

    1. All good here. No shadow so we will be getting hot here. Meanwhile I’ll live per the calendar and it says hibernation time. Hope your winter isn’t too bad so far.

  3. Fortunately that’s an old picture. So far so good this winter. Hope you are well.
