Friday, August 16, 2024

Finally Friday - Farewell for real, absolutely over

This is the absolute end of the story for 224 Oakland Place in PA

My brother mowed the yard and for the final time left on Saturday, July 20th.   Last Crowther leaving. 

Oh my heart.  62 years of my life here.   on the driveway - roller skating, biking, sledding, shoveling

on the lawn - wiffle ball, playing in a sprinkler, croquet

Big Sigh!

Closing was July 23rd.  I hope the new family has as much fun as we did.  I hope they settle in, meet neighbors, walk the block, rake leaves, and enjoy. 

End of an era folks.   A long  era. 



  1. Very bittersweet. I never had a place like that growing up. We moved around too often.

    1. Folks stayed in this neighborhood. There are a few still left from my era. It was nice. Very Leave It to Beaver ( if you get the reference).

      Happy Friday

  2. Sending virtual hugs across the pond. What wonderful memories to keep.

    1. Thanks much. Appreciate your roots.

  3. Oh Joanne - I saw this and knew I had to write something very relevant ... you must be feeling so 'lost' but yet relieved that your father is at ease with life now. It's so difficult adjusting to life without our parents ... and letting a house of 62 years go - so sad ... I remember ours, but I was only there 20 years ...

    I hope your shoulder is healing ... it should, I sincerely hope, be much easier now ... with thoughts and cheers Hilary

    1. Thanks. Doing quite well on all fronts. I think posting PA stuff has been therapeutic without going overboard.
      As for shoulder- week 1 was fine. A zillion to go but will be worth it.
      I appreciate your comments!
