Monday, August 19, 2024

Monday Moments - Salsa

 So - Salsa!!!

Did you think dancing?   Ha Ha Ha.   Part  of our wedding agreement 35 years ago involved a no dance policy.  Well, maybe one slow dance.... (yes, I like that)    But there is no choreography involved. 

Salsa in the Faries house means sauce for Tex-Mex.  Oh yeah!  And my sweetie Ray is awesome.  He spent an afternoon with daughter-in-law, Maria, and they created some kick-ass Salsa!

Ray said as they cooked it, the aroma was compelling.  He tasted and it smoldered. 

16 jars later....we have 8 pieces of precious concoction. 

Anyone care to join us for fajitas?   or chips and salsa on the patio?

C'mon!     Hey, even with one arm working, I can dip!


  1. I would eat that!
    We have a no dance policy as well...

    1. C’mon to TX. We’ll enjoy salsa to eat and music to listen to. Toe tapping optional!

  2. Hi Joanne - you'd better include me in that policy ... but I'll enjoy the Salsa - you've been very fortunate with the Ray man ... long long may it go on- salsa breath and all! ... Even with one arm working - hope it doesn't reach over here to jovially whack me ... so glad it's improving - and yes I'll join you ... long long way to swim though! Cheers H xo

  3. Wow. That's quite a stock. Super hot with jalapeno? If so, I'll pass, while I do some salsa dancing as you enjoy the yummy goods.

    1. Actually a kick but not crazy. I am still gringo mouth Yankee in TX. I think you’d like the flavor
