Fort Worth Fall Gallery Night is a misnomer. First it's an all day into the night event. Next it was one hundred degrees at noon. That's not "fall". But we shall sweat for art. Indeed the trek through the Fort Worth Botanic Gardens to see a juried art show, just about did me in - and that was the first stop. The piece above was not part of the show, just a cool piece in the gardens. I felt sorry for a bride and her wedding party. I'm sure a September wedding seemed like a great idea a year ago.
A favorite art stop is the Rebecca Low Sculptural Metal Gallery & Studio
Neat lady with fabulous outdoor creations. She's featuring a new artist, Ralph Moreno, and his wind spiral pieces. Ray and I enjoyed our stroll in her backyard studio.
Glass blowing fascinates me, and this stop was worthy of attention. SiNaCa studios had an outdoor demonstration. The kiln was blazing, and the guys were twirling glass turning it into a swirly vase.
I am contemplating a class there. Can you imagine how big a mess I can make near hot fire? I could create the ugliest most misshapen Christmas ornament ever born.
Aah - lunch at the Woodshed Smokehouse off University and Riverfront in Fort Worth. The misters sprayed and fans whirred to create a comfortable outdoor atmosphere. We sat at picnic benches and enjoyed mouthwatering beef brisket (me) and beef/pulled pork/sausage (Ray) sandwiches with homemade potato chips. Fort Worth Gallery Night during the day was a lot of fun.
Yerba Buena Garden
3 days ago
It sounds like a fabulous outing, except for that temperature. A hundred degrees is about twenty degrees too hot for me. It must have been sheer hell for that poor glass-blower. You're obviously made of much tougher stuff than I. After visiting all that neat stuff, the LAST thing I would have wanted to do is sit OUTSIDE to eat lunch in that heat. Misters or no misters, I'd want air conditioning... cranked up on high. I might have even sprawled on the floor, although the restaurant owners would probably have discouraged me from doing that. Might even have called an ambulance, which would be fine with me, as long as it was air conditioned...