Monday, November 6, 2023

Monday Moments - The Librarianist by Patrick DeWitt

 The Librarianist by Patrick DeWitt is a very low key read that I can't recommend purchasing or spending time with for free (I did get this out of the library). It was so-so. Good writing, but I kept waiting for a tad more. I did start skimming. 

Bob Comet is a retired librarian in Portland, Oregon. He reads. He walks. He really has no friends. On  a walk  one day he comes upon a woman who appears lost. She has a tag around her neck that directs her back to a senior center. Bob guides her back and ultimately begins volunteering there. 

cover blurb - Bob's experiences are imbued with melancholy but also a bright, sustained comedy; he has a talent for locating bizarre and outsize players to welcome onto the stage of this life. 

Hmm. I can't say I chuckled at all. And a slight twist that's thrown in  about the woman Bob found - eh I say with a shrug.  Consider this a public service post.  I often like books with a library or reading theme. This one - not so much. 


  1. Hi Joanne - sounds like one to avoid. I thoroughly enjoyed The Personal Librarian (July 10th this year) - it was so interesting ... cheers and is sitting here on my desk. Hilary

    1. Indeed. That was really good. I call ‘em as I read ‘em. Have a great week.

  2. Replies
    1. No problem. I shall stay on the front line and report the yawners.

  3. Ah, that's a shame. Just reading your description gave me all sorts of ideas of where it might go. Sadly, the author seems to have gone elsewhere. It's a great premise, though.

    1. Indeed the cover blurb enticed me. Then…meh. It happens.
