Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Whatever Wednesday - Time

 It is mid November and my three weeks in PA are almost up. Will I have accomplished anything? At least I will have kept my dad amused with reminiscing and some laughs. We'll have had some good meals, and watched the same movies over and over. 

It is mid November and almost holiday time. Are you ready for this downhill slide to finish another wacky year?

There are years when nothing happens and years when centuries happen - Carlos Fuentes on the new world disorder, July 1993

Ah! the clock is always slow...It is later than you think.   Robert W. Service, Ballads of a Bohemian 1921


  1. Hi Joanne - your Dad will be pleased to have spent so much time with you - and you'll have those memories. Love the quotes ... 2023 - our future ... the clock is moving fast as far as I'm concerned. Enjoy getting back to be with Ray ... cheers Hilary

    1. Thanks. He can’t keep track of time at all, but he’ll remember I was there for a bit. Indeed 2023 is zooming to a close. Quite a year! Take care.

  2. Glad you got to spend three whole weeks with your father. Yes, time is racing by. I've barely started shopping for Christmas.

    1. I’m only thinking turkey right now. Cheers!

  3. Yes. I tell you. Mid- November. C’mon. You’ve done a lot this year. Just cruise into 2024. You’re good!
