Monday, December 4, 2023

Monday Moments - Exit Interview by Kristi Coulter

 Exit Interview - The Life and Death of My Ambitious Career by Kristi Coulter - is a fascinating  memoir. 

cover blurb - What would you sacrifice for your career?  All your free time? Your sense of self worth? Your sanity?

In 2006, the author Kristi Coulter left her cozy dull Midwest job to go west to Seattle and Amazon. Fast growing, new exciting  company. Turned out soul crushing. 

In a culture of fear,  she survived the chase, the visibility, the goal to try to gain a level 8 manager, and yet the goal posts kept moving. The money, the stock options kept her going until she couldn't recognize herself anymore. 

This book is well written, funny as hell, surprising, and very truthful. Kristi Coulter is obviously smart, driven, and very aware of the ridiculousness at times of female ambition in the reality of the working  world. She also gives quite a look at the Amazonian mammoth enterprise that is Amazon. I'm still gob-smacked. 

And I admit - I would never ever have been able to endure the path  she traveled. My personal credo - really doesn't play well with others, doesn't want to do meetings, just leave me alone and I'll get the work  done.  Whew!  Glad now  I'm retired. 


  1. This books sounds fascinating...but also a bit terrifying. I gave up the corporate ladder climbing for social service a long time ago. It wasn't great on the wallet but it has been wonderful for my soul.

    1. This book seemed like she put it all out there. Very realistic and with humor and perspective.
      I liked my free time too much to go super corporate.
