Stephen King.
Standing ovation before the man even spoke. Wow! He is a literary magician.
On Writing is the bible for writing students.
The Stand started it all.
IT still scares the bejeezus out of us.
Carrie - the book was amazing. The movie introduced us to Sissy Spacek, an impeccable actress.
And so it goes. Our bookshelves groan under the weight of Stephen King's words. I'm grateful each Christmas for his tremendous production, and Ray acts surprised every time he opens a book present. It's tradition.
11/22/63 is Mr.King's latest offering. I have not read it yet. However, his author discussion was fascinating. His opinion is that Oswald assassinated Kennedy alone. Mr King basically said, "Follow the bullet." The book involves time travel and the chance to change history. No doubt, in the world of Stephen King, nothing is predictable or a sure thing.
As we left the Majestic (a gem of a theater), Ray said, "You could spend a day with Stephen King." Indeed, he was funny, charming, opinionated, self deprecating, and a tad odd. Altogether, the perfect dinner guest. I thank the Sixth Floor Museum for hosting an excellent author event.
Stephen King. Standing ovation.