Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Whatever Serious Wednesday - Caste by Isabel Wilkerson


This is a must read book. Isabel Wilkerson has out done herself as a writer, researcher, and commentator for our times. 

I participated in a book talk of hers and it was so cool. She's smart, well spoken, and is on top of a topic for our times.  As a Pulitzer Prize winning author for her columns, she now commands our attention in her research and books.  I loved The Warmth of Other Suns about the  migration of folks from the south to the north and the impact on so many people. 

In Caste she compares Nazi Germany, India, and America - the research is astounding.  

Cover blurb - she explores how America today and throughout its history has been shaped by a hidden caste system, a rigid hierarchy of human rankings. 

Anyone with a friend of color has experienced this.  At a restaurant, she and a white friend were ignored.   My husband, Ray, with a black co-worker were pulled over. Once the policeman realized the driver was Ray (white), they were dismissed.  


The insidious flow of caste is experienced every day. So many examples are given. 

Isabel Wilkerson's research is flawless and worthy of attention.  

cover blurb - She points the way forward to ways America can move beyond the artificial and destructive separations of human divisions toward hope in our common humanity. 

This is an amazing read!  Trust me.  I love her writing and would love to hang out with her for a day. 


  1. What a glowing review Joanne, on your reccomendation will certainly buy it.


  2. Hi Joanne - I hadn't heard of her ... or her books - so I've made a note to remember later in the year - so much sitting here waiting for me to read! All the best - Hilary

    1. You will appreciate her research and very fair coverage of the subject.

  3. I have a friend who is writing a book about prejudices. I am appalled by some of the things that still go on.

    Thanks for this great review.

    1. Thanks Sherry. It all really makes one think.

  4. Sounds like a frighteningly insightful read. So much racism happens subtly, yet I'm privileged to not be its target.

    Thank you, Joanne.

    1. The author shows how much we (those not a target) take for granted and assume

  5. It is pathetic that it is even still a thing, if it ever wasn't pathetic to begin with. Sounds like she can hit it home.

    1. Yep - and without preaching she just lays it out very factually and effectively.
