Friday, May 27, 2022

Finally Friday - Parks, Grad, Memorial Weekend and More

Finally Friday.  Memorial Day Weekend signals the beginning of summer, the pool  plunge (already in!), High  School Graduation in Texas (Abby, 18 will get her diploma on Sunday.  Then what? Who knows? She does  not), and Top Gun: Maverick opens up after a two  year schedule hiatus. 

Meanwhile, maybe you'll go to a state park this weekend. Here's more from Cedar Hill  State Park, visited a few weeks ago

Water looked rough and quite  murky at Joe Pool Lake. Alas, our drought  conditions here are bringing down lake levels fast. 
Some  driftwood. Unlike  Lake Mead, I'm unaware of long lost bodies being found (thank goodness)
Not a sunny white sand Florida beach

 Hit the  trails and one cactus chose to show off a bloom. 

Have a safe Memorial  Weekend. With war in Ukraine, reflect on past US wars and those who did not come back. Stay cool in your pool,  on a lake, or  in a movie theater. The first burgers from the grill taste like summertime. Enjoy time with  family or friends, celebrate your graduates, and take time to relax too. 


  1. Hi Joanne - have a peaceful weekend - I too hope the world will adjust to calm and peace ... a pool, with a bbq sounds good to me - but won't be happening here! Cheers - all the best for the Memorial Weekend - Hilary

  2. Thanks. You are a loyal reader and I appreciate it. So far, all is good. Abby graduated. We are swimming. And eating well. Trying to avoid news and trying to stay calm. Cheers to you
