Monday, July 29, 2024

Monday Moments - North Woods by Daniel Mason

My PA book club is discussing this book in August. Great  choice. North Woods by Daniel Mason  started a bit slow.  I kept putting it down.  Then - wham- the story turned and it pulled together. I became enamored with the flow and wondered what  would  happen next. That's the key to a great book - when the author engages the reader and the reader can't stop turning the pages.  

One house in the woods of New England. Through centuries, we hear about the lives that inhabit  this space - a daring, moving tale of memory and fate.  (cover  blurb)

Young lovers from a Puritan  colony

An English soldier devotes himself to growing apples

spinster  twins - yikes  - death!

crime  reporter and secrets ..............all of this in these woods,  on this home property that everyone keeps expanding

A lovelorn painter, a sinister  con  man,  plus creatures - a panther, a beetle, birds

This novel, North Woods by Daniel Mason,  brims with love and madness, humor and hope. It follows cycles of history,  nature, language, and magical  connections to environment.   

cover blurb: How  do we live on, even after  we're gone?    Yowza  - lots to process here. 



  1. Hi Joanne - sounds interesting ... but my pile forever groweth and my eyes don't get to read as much as they should ... however it's here and I can come back if I ever run out of books! Cheers and enjoy the interaction with he PA bunch ... Hilary

    1. I know I keep reporting on too many great reading temptations. It’s been a good run!

  2. Persistence pays. I'm glad you stuck with it despite the slow beginning. I'd likely have given up.
    Cheers and be well.

    1. By the end I better understood the author’s buildup beginning.
      Hope you are doing okay in CA.
