Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Whatever Wednesday - Ray Reunion Time

 Saturday, June 22nd, Ray trekked out  to east Texas for the 91st annual family reunion.  Here's his group - they are from the Cleo connection.  Many of the other family units boost a lot more  people.  Ray figured there  were over one hundred  people  there for the Sunday BBQ  feast. 

My tradition is  to NOT go - too darn  hot.  The past two  years I did drive Ray's folks for the Sunday meal, so they could  visit.  Last  year was the  official 90th  and that was special.   This year, the heat  was going to be even crazier and the folks mobility has  gone downhill.  

Thus, I had friends  over and floated in our pool for  "Sangria Sunday".   Ray enjoyed all of his cousins, etc.   He did win  the 42 domino tournament.  Rah!   Son Kevin's volleyball team won.  So a good time had  by all.  And Ray had a big card signed by various family members to present  to Ray's folks, so they were thought of  and  remembered. 

Another reunion is on the books. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joanne - great post - and how fortunate you were able to stay home and enjoy your pool Sangria Sunday ... loved the card idea. Dominos ... cheers Hilary
