Monday, October 21, 2024

Monday Moments - Grief is for People by Sloane Crosley

 And wow - this book, Grief is for People by Sloane Crosley, hit me in the gut. So well written and Sloane put into words so many deep feelings. And it was funny too. Pathos and wit are a great combo. 

First her NYC apartment is broken into and prized possessions are stolen. Only gone one hour, she now questions her sense of security. 

Second, one month later, her very best friend, Russell, chooses to commit suicide.  Why? Absolutely Why?

Cover blurb - She's propelled to right the unrightable, to explore what constitutes family and possession, all while the city faces the staggering toll of the pandemic. 

p. 34  Grief is for people, not things. People like Russell, and people like me now, we don't know where sadness belongs

p. 38  Right now, every time I try to separate these losses, they come back together. Hideous sisters, they are keeping each other company in the dark. 

p. 41  Pairs of shins move up and down the stairs, giving me a wide berth. Strangers. Strangers who can spot the difference between a bad day and a break in life. 

p. 63  Therapy seems  futile, as does travel, nature, sleep, television, music, comedy, theater, art, cooking, exercise, reading, and sex. 

She is a writer by trade with a sharp sense of humor. As she writes this book, she struggles to hold on to the past and to work through a consolation of sorts.  I really "enjoyed" this book, in that it spoke to me. It's like Sloane Crosley and I were hanging  out and talking. And that's good writing. 

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