Friday, January 10, 2025

Finally Friday - Learning to Talk by Hilary Mantel

 Learning to Talk by Hilary Mantel are loosely autobiographical stories.  back blurb: Her tales begin in the 1950s in an insular northern village "scoured by bitter winds and rough gossip tongues." With a deceptively light tough, Mantel illuminates the poignant experiences of childhood that leave each of us forever changed.

Her descriptions are just  so rich and fun to read. I am in awe of her writing. 

p. 51 It was a small gray car, like a jelly mold, out of which a giant might turn a foul jelly of profanity and grease. 

p. 63  In that one moment it seemed to me that the world was blighted, and that every adult throat bubbled, like a garbage pail in August, with the syrup of rotting lies.  

Whoa. A bit dark, but thought provoking. 


  1. Heavy stuff.
    On a lighter note, I hope things are happy for you and Ray. All's safe for me and my loved ones in the golden state, fingers crossed.

    1. I actually had a long weekend in DE with my sister. So fun despite cold. Nice break for Ray too- ha.
      The CA fires are just beyond horrific.
      Glad you are okay in Chico. Hope 2025 is a solid year for you, my friend.

  2. I love Hilary Mantel! Her Wolf Hall trilogy is beyond amazing. Absolutely spectacular historical fiction. Must read for HF and/or Tudor period fans. Haven't read Learning to Talk, firmly on my TBR now, thanks!

    1. Glad I could bring this to your attention. It’s a short book that packs a written punch.

  3. Hi Joanne - I never got into Wolf Hall, then the tv programme came out ... which was so dark (colourwise) and so could hardly be seen, or heard ... but perhaps I just wasn't ready to take it in - too much else going on. I hadn't realised these are short stories - at some stage I'll have a read - cheers Hilary

    1. I was not into Wolf Hall either. But this book was a gift, and turned out to be a lovely treat.
