Monday, January 20, 2025

Monday Moments - Winter Wonderland

Well, I zoomed up to Delaware to hang with my sister, Lori.  Note to self: um, it's a bit cold in January. What the heck. We bundled up and went to Longwood Gardens (a glorious place) for the grand finale of their Christmas lights.  
Glistening frozen pond

That's me enjoying the lighted trees
We warmed up in their fabulous conservatory.  Gotta  love the Orchid room.  Wow!!!!!

And how about an all succulents Christmas tree.  So pretty.   A feast for the eyes. 

Don't let cold weather get in the way of fun.

P.S.  I believe the flag should still be at half staff in honor/memory of Jimmy Carter.

(get over yourself DJT and be the bigger man.  Ha - that will never happen)

Also - it's Martin Luther King Day. I salute his memory.  Folks are still trying to reach the mountaintop. 

And Good Luck America.  Buckle up, it's gonna be a bumpy ride


  1. Love your sisterly bond. Looks like a cold, fun time.

    1. I am very lucky with the sister ( and brother) I have. Maybe it helps I am 1500 miles away. We are not up in each other’s business all the time.
      And yea, it was cold!!

  2. Hi Joanne - so pleased you could get back up to Delaware to chill out with your sis!! It does look cold ... and in many ways - though I have a visual of a hippo flaying its tail ... amuses me - cheers Hilary
