Well, not really. It was a rainy dreary Saturday (5/2/09) and Sunday (5/3/09) Writers, agents, and publishers met at the Grapevine, Texas Convention Center for two rousing days of inspiration, perspiration, and motivation. Face it - it was a Word Nerd convention and I'm proud to be a member.
DFW Writers did a fabulous job of coordination. Close to 200 people attended. Forty workshop session were offered and the choices varied between learning the craft (dialogue, senses, and more) or discussing the new economic realities of publishing (traditional versus hybrid versus self).
Pitch sessions with agents proved the catalyst for nerves. Eager authors had ten minutes to tap dance a winning spiel before a selection of agents. Words to gladden the heart, "Send me a synopsis and three chapters." Yes, I heard those words and it made my day.
Now, I need to digest what I learned over this intense but exhilarating weekend. The final speaker I heard was Jeff Crilley, former Fox 4 anchor now publicist. The sheer joy he took in writing his book "Free Publicity", getting it self published, and now speaking about it (plus blowing bubbles) was infectious.
Work and write harder and have fun with it. Word nerds unite.
Unite we did. It was a great week-end.