My boss returned from two weeks in China. He had a fabulous time and came back very impressed by the energy of the people. I've enjoyed his travel tales and asked many questions as to his encounters. We did talk about newspapers and the reporting. Each day he bought the
China Daily and the
Global Times (both English editions). He followed our weather here in DFW, the tornadoes in Joplin, MO, US economic news, and global updates.

I perused the papers last night (with the admonition to bring them back to work). Well written, thorough reporting, very neutral perspective, and an eye-opener to me. I definitely had the wrong impression, in thinking news would be very censored and repressed. On the contrary. Editorials covered a variety of subjects and were critical on issues like water, energy, economic issues, etc. If not for the Chinese names, I could have been reading a U.S. paper.
Power to the press. Enlightenment, indeed.
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