Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Local Theater

I've said before that it's often good to poke around your backyard.

For me, that's Fort Worth, Texas - an easy twenty minute drive to a variety of culture. Saturday, August 15, I saw a local production of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels presented by the Stolen Shakespeare Guild ( at the Ft.Worth Community Arts Center.

The musical follows the plot of the original movie (starring Michael Caine and Steve Martin), and is silly fun. The two lead men (Ben Phillips and Trey West) had very good voices. The crew and cast, the dance ensemble, etc. obviously put a lot of work into their production.

Lots of talented folks out there, eager to entertain. Support your local theater. You'll be surprised.


  1. Sounds like fun! I remember seeing the movie and enjoying it many years ago.

    1. it was quite amusing and the lead guys were doing their best Michael Caine/Steve Martin impressions as per the movie

  2. Sounds like fun! Nice to read your report

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  5. I love to see plays! I've never been disappointed by the community players that have put them on, no matter where I've gone. Unfortunately, I don't go often enough.
    Time, money and a "date".
    Life & Faith in Caneyhead
