Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Wednesday Wisdom for 2020

Happy 2020

Here's  a new segment I hope to make a "thing" for 2020.  Some Wednesday wisdom. A quote, a thought, something useful to make us think for the better.  (Plus, I should have written a book review, but I got lazy - Ray made really good enchiladas and I'm sleepy. I can't think and write - must go watch TV. So much for my resolution to watch less. Ha!)

So - from Gloria Steinem - The Truth Will Set You Free,  But First It Will Piss You Off!  2019

page 39

When people say to me, "What shall I tell my daughter?"  
I always say: The most important thing is to listen.  This is how she learns she has something to say. 

I am fortunate - my parents truly always listened.  They did not have solutions every time, or they just made good suggestions.  But they gave appropriate guidance.  This is valuable in this day and age when kids/girls are bombarded by almost too much information.

Listen and give focused attention to what your daughter is saying. She will value your time and energy.


  1. That's good advise. Sometimes, we forget that a conversation should run two ways. A child can only learn to have a voice if she's allowed to use it, and to form an opinion by expressing it.

    Happy New Year, sweet lady! Already broke your first resolution, eh? (That's why I don't make 'em!)

    1. It's always fun to immediately break resolutions. I was going to diet too. I write this as I eat a cookie!

  2. Not that is smart advice. Listen and you might also learn something.

    1. exactly. The art of listening has gone by the wayside

  3. Very true. Have to listen and can learn and teach just as much by doing so.

    1. I do try to be a good listener. It keeps me out of trouble at work. And I gather dirt on others....heh, heh, heh

  4. Good quote Joanne. A personal quote fro me is "One has to experience the nots so good in life to appreciate the good."


    1. and that's a very good quote to add. You are part of the wisdom.

  5. This is wonderful advice and important for the future of our daughters.

    1. (and sons too, but Gloria pretty much empowers the ladies)
