Friday, November 3, 2023

Finally Friday - Serenity

I am currently at my dad's in PA.    This is a filler post to wish you a calm weekend.  This photo was taken by friends in South Padre, TX.  I nabbed it off FB
My cousin  Mark and his wife have been gallivanting  all over Europe.  What a view - I believe this is in Austria.  They bike and hike and say Prost! at the end of the day. 

I'll be hanging out with  dad, no doubt taking a walk around the block (just me), fixing him some decent meals, and there's plenty of snoozing that occurs when you are ninety-two years old. 

Have a good one everyone. 


  1. Just enjoy the moments with your father.

    1. We are having some laughs. Thanks! Happy Nov to you

  2. Hi Joanne - you wouldn't be walking around the block here - solid streams of rain storming through ... but glad you're having that time with your Dad - enjoy it ... cheers Hilary

    1. I’ve read about your wicked storms. Stay safe, cozy, and dry my friend.

  3. Enjoy your time with Dad! Those photos are stunning.

    1. Thanks. Wish I had been at those places to take those photos. Some friends have a good eye. And my dad’s doing okayish.
