Monday, May 20, 2024

Monday Moments - Mom

When you clean out  your childhood home, the trickiest part is photo albums.  My sister  took home the stack to store for all of  us.  I snapped  a  few on my phone just for my own reference.

Here's my mom on the left, next to  baby brother Rick, and older sister Jane. Uncle Lee is  the eldest. 

And an oldie of my grandparents with Lee, Jane,  and my mom - the "baby" at the time. 
And older - Lee, my mom, the "baby" Rick, my grandmother, Jane, and my  grandfather

 And  Elmer on the farm. My grandfather looks like he's out of Grapes of  Wrath.   Stoic man. 

I remember  him as a kindly man in suspenders who'd walk me to the five and dime to  pick out candy.  

I'm a week late, but Happy Mother's Day to all.  My mom's been gone over thirty years. She is still remembered and missed. 


  1. I hope your sister is able to scan all the photos for the family.

    1. It’s a project!! Happy Monday to you.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks. The portfolio was a nifty find.
