Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Oh George

 RIP George Crowther   July 1931 to May 9, 2024

Very hard to believe my dad is gone.  But at age 92 - it was a long life with a lot of friends and family that loved him.   I know you, in  blog world, followed his tale as I visited him through the years. 

He was the Best! the diary that we all carry about with us - Oscar Wilde

Good memories  for all of us - me, David, and Lori.  And thanks to David's wife, Cherie - she helped dad a lot. 

We did play "Over the Rainbow" at his graveside.  He loved all sorts of music,  but Judy Garland was a fave.   Maybe she's singing in a lounge above, and he has a front  row seat. 


  1. Prayers for your family. Hold on to those memories.

    1. Thanks. We’re doing well. So lucky he was our dad.

  2. Oh Joanne - I'm so sorry to read this ... but he had a wonderful family, and you are left with brilliant memories of a cheerful, happy and devoted father - my thoughts to you and the family. You had time as he aged - that's what I found with my mother, not the same way ... but we enjoyed each other's company and appreciated things we hadn't realised in earlier times. Trust is so essential for an elderly ... your family gave your Dad that ... time for mulling on life, yet moving on too - with thoughts for this coming summer as you adjust. A big hug from over here - Hilary

    1. Thanks. You’ve rooted for dad through the years. You would have enjoyed his humor, etc. Indeed, the happy memories will stay with me always.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks. It’s okay. Long good life.
