Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Whatever Wednesday - Farewell to Childhood Home

Drove to PA in April to help clear out  the childhood home.  Sixty three years here of good memories. Here I am on the front porch.  This was tough, but my siblings and I worked together and all went smoothly.  No drama. 
This is a gorgeous dogwood  at my brother's house. PA  in spring is fabulous
In the clear out, we found the blonde doll head. My Aunt Jane had  given me her doll head named Helen.  My mom wanted my sister  to  have the blonde one, but Lori never took it. We found it amongst stuff and Lori declined it again.  I accepted her and  now  they are united in Texas.  I hope they don't join forces and come alive. Yikes!
Aah - the old  clothes basket came up from the basement one last time.  It hauled  a LOT of laundry loads upstairs and  down and out to  the clothesline.  My poor mother!
And another orphan.  "You can  take it".  "Nope,  you can."  I drew the short straw and got Charlie McCarthy.  My mom  worked  at an auction gallery a  long time ago. She came home with Charlie as a present for Lori  who was around eight years old.  Lori  found him creepy.  

Yep - we found  the box with Charlie in the basement.  I've got him in  Texas now, and I hope a friend can sell him at a toy show.  

So  - that's just a few of the farewell stories.  More  posts  to  come. 


  1. I can see why no one wanted Charlie...

  2. I love a creepy puppet, I have one in my living room. I'm glad it went smoothly. Sad times but happy memories.

    1. Ha! Come on an American book tour and Charlie can accompany you. Cheers!
