Monday, June 24, 2024

Monday Moments- Brian Cox memoir

 I spent the winter slowly watching the show Succession.  Excellent show. Horrible people.  And the anchor  was the father - Logan Roy  - played  by Brian Cox. He was pitch perfect.  I remember him from some movies and shows - he's followed the character actor path and enhances everything he is in. I would love to see him in the theater, and I have no doubt back in his Shakespeare days in London, he was a force on the stage. 

I read his memoir, Putting the Rabbit in the Hat, with his Scottish voice in my head. Excellent read, and some great stories and comments on  so many actors, directors,  and the  business. His  sense of humor comes through and he does not pull punches in regards to his own foibles.  

p. 215  in approaching work:  How the work is holding a mirror up to nature, about reflecting the truth, and that's what makes it interesting. It really is about reflecting  back to people how we are. 

He made me think about writing, acting,  and the arts.  I look forward to seeing what roles Brian Cox creates as a man in his seventies. It will be worth watching, for  sure!


  1. He's been in a ton of movies and shows. I think I first saw him in Manhunter playing Dr. Lecktor.

    1. Excellent career and quite the story teller. Probably a good guy to meet at a bar to talk.

  2. Hi Joanne - he's brilliant isn't he - recently he's been on a lot of 'memoir-chat' programmes ... giving an insight into his life and times. I haven't seen Succession - I'm not good with horror ... one day I'm sure I'll watch it. Cheers and thanks for the British thumbs up - that should be Scottish, shouldn't it?! Hilary

    1. Aye, lassie and he is a proud Scot. Succession isn’t horror- they are just a horrible rich family being obnoxious. Power struggles galore and Brian Cox plays ruthless well.
      All in all- a brilliant funny man.
