Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Whatever Wednesday - Heaven and Earth Grocery Store by James McBride

 Browse the aisles (chapters)  of The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store by James McBride, and you'll enjoy meeting some unique characters.  Pottstown, PA - a skeleton is found in 1972 while workers dig a new foundation for a housing project.  

cover  blurb: Turns out secrets were kept for decades by the residents of Chicken Hill, the dilapidated neighborhood where immigrant Jews and African Americans lived side by side, sharing  ambitions and sorrows. 

Go back to 1936 and meets Moshe and Chona (Jewish). She runs the Heaven & Earth Grocery Store and exudes kindness to all. Bigotry, hypocrisy, and deceit abound, but Chona is a light in the community.  A local black worker, Nate, bonds with her to keep a young  black deaf  boy, Dodo, safe. 

In reading this book in 2024, it seems like so much just hasn't changed. People are too quick to look at the differences and hate without reason. The author, James McBride, shows that it is love and community (heaven and earth) that ultimately sustain us. (Cover blurb)   The characters are rich and well developed, the story is interesting, and the writing  is sublime. Plus, some humor abounds:

p. 313  Go back to the old country?  "I like it here.  The politicians try to cut your throat with one hand while saluting  the flag with the other. Then they tax you. Saves 'em the trouble of calling you a  dirty Jew."



  1. Hi Joanne - sounds a helpful book ... and should make an interesting read ... I'll note for later on - I couldn't find at the library - maybe it'll turn up. Cheers Hilary
