Monday, December 21, 2009

Dreaming of a White Christmas

This sled is almost 50 years old. It hangs in my father's garage and was used by all three of the Crowther kids - Joanne, David, and Lori. It dreams of a white Christmas. That's what it's all about - the songs, the stories, the myths.

The white Christmas came early this year. Here's my sister's deck patio in DE. She shoveled 18 inches and groaned all the way. Somehow, as an adult, it's not as glamorous as the myth or movies.

Nonetheless, Lori got an extra two days off for the Christmas holiday. She got her driveway shoveled and could get to a bookstore if she wanted to. At this point Christiana Mall (Newark, DE) is open and praying for customers before Christmas. The perspective between being an adult who has to drive in the darn wet stuff and the kid who's hoping for a sled or coaster or skis or a snowboard is beyond description.
As a transplanted Northeastener, the myth lives. I want to look out the window on Christmas Eve and see snowflakes falling. Then again, we don't own a snow shovel, so there better not be accumulation. Best to read about it in the newspaper.

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