Friday, May 17, 2019

Movie Review Madness: Avengers - Endgame

Based on the box office totals that have racked up to billions, Ray and I might be the last people on the planet to finally see  Avengers:Endgame.  But rainy Saturday morning kept us from yard work. Thank goodness - movie magic time.

Three hours - I thought it went by quickly. Everybody and their uncle from the Marvel universe showed up. Story lines were explored and tied up fairly neatly. Some live,  some die - that's life.
The word quantum is used and you know it's tricky when there's a time travel continuum theory bandied about.

Ironman and Captain America do stand toe to toe and argue. Well, Ironman does have to look up a bit. Chris Evans does have America's butt...hey,  the movie says so.

There are tears, there are battles,  there's humor. It's all there. Marvel knows how to package its product - the film is rich in characters,  dialogue, action,  and drama. I'm giving a review but no spoilers, just in case someone has been under a rock and missed this in the theater.  And do see it on the big,big screen - it is glorious.

P.S. I still love Thor, no matter what.  Chris Hemsworth rocks!


  1. They did wrap up twenty-two movies nicely. Excellent film.

    1. yep - your review had me psyched. Who's your fave?

  2. Marvel sure knows how to end 22 movies on a high note

  3. Hi Joanne - not for me ... so I'll be last in line! Though might change my mind next week and take it in ... just about to see the Tolkein one ... but so pleased you enjoyed it - cheers Hilary

    1. Tolkein is on my list. Hope you enjoyed it
      And the Marvel movies have been fun (and Ray likes them so we actually see a movie together!)

  4. Seems like a great film Joanne, great review.


    1. thanks. Not for all, but they are amusing

  5. We thoroughly enjoyed it, too. Especially the infusion of funny lines. (I wouldn't have minded it if it were a teensy bit shorter, though.)

    1. I hear you, but I was not looking at my watch.

  6. I haven't seen it, not really my thing, but my son saw it and loved it. To each his or her own :-) I'm glad you enjoyed it.
