Friday, August 2, 2024

Finally Friday - All-Stars Weekend

I declared that my late father (thanks to some funds) would treat us to the All-Star Baseball Saturday events on July 13th. We had no idea how it would  be, but hey it's baseball stuff.   Sure enough, here's Ray with a huge baseball in the background.  Arlington's stadium area was decked out. It was hot, but they did have hydration stations (free water!), spritzer tents, and shaded tents. 
I'm in front of the E-Sports building (thankfully airconditioned).  We  wandered in  there to see exhibits on the Negro Leagues, the early Ladies involved in baseball, auction items - always good to see a Mickey Mantle autograph - and other baseball gear. 

 Decent pic of us ready for The Show
We also bought tickets for some baseball game events.  The celebrity softball tournament that night was silly fun. Tiffany Haddish is funny as hell, but can't really pitch.  Ha!
In the afternoon, we enjoyed The All Star  Futures Game - young bucks trying  to make it to the big show.  They are in AA or AAA  ball.  Eighteen years old with signing bonuses and potential.  We were impressed by some batting power and accuracy. 

All in all, thanks Dad - we  had a full day of fun and treated ourselves  to Hurtado BBQ - the best!

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