Friday, August 30, 2024

Finally Friday - Anniversary and Labor Day Weekend

If you would be loved, love, and be lovable - Ben Franklin

It will be 35 years of wedded bliss on Sunday, September 1st.    Wow!

The proof  of true love is to be unsparing in criticism - Moliere

"Ray, are you sure that's what you are wearing  today?"     "Hmmm". 

I enjoy his sporty stuff.   He's become a museum guy.   You have  to grow  together, but also  have separate hobbies too.  Then you have  fresh stuff  to talk about.  I  truly believe in that. 

And you have to find the magic, keep the magic, revere the magic, and laugh together. 

Love ya , Ray!!  Thanks  for putting up with me.  And yes, he's put up with a month  of me after rotator cuff surgery.   When you say "for better or worse", this medical  issue is  part  of the  "worse". 

Also, Happy Labor Day Weekend to all of my worker bee blog friends who enjoy a three day weekend. When retired, it's just another great weekend!

Cheers  all.  


  1. Well done Joanne and Ray - congratulations ... and wise words here ... yes and generally applies to friends in general ... carry on, I say, carry on! Cheers Hilary

    1. Thanks much. And just think how many of these Sept 1 posts you’ve seen. You are part of my story too. Cheers
