Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Whatever Wednesday - Piano Men: Generations

August  3rd, the stage was set at the Arlington Music Hall.  Dueling pianos awaited the Piano Men: Generations show.   Terry and Nick Davies would play the tunes of Billy Joel  and Elton John. 
Here's the gang. We enjoyed  food at the  Grease Monkey across the street (I ate a very yummy burger).  Then we found  our Row E, sat back, and clapped along.     

L-R  Nell, Charla,  Claudia, Barbara, Me, Sharon.   Fun  crew!

The father and son due were great and their band was excellent.   Here's the son doing his  best Billy Joel "Angry Young Man".  

Such a fun  evening.  We  left  humming  our favorite  tunes. 


  1. Replies
    1. It was. They tour all over. Keep your eye out. You’d enjoy them.

  2. Replies
    1. It was corny good fun. Excellent piano and good voices. Fun night out

  3. Hi Joanne - what a great show to visit with your 'mates' ... so pleased you had that experience ... cheers Hilary

    1. Indeed, fun crew to go out for a fun evening. We all leave happy
