Friday, September 6, 2024

Finally Friday - Book Review - Godwin

 Godwin by Joseph O'Neill was a very odd book.  I almost gave up halfway through, and yet was curious as to how the author was going to finish. I don't know that I liked the characters, and yet was curious as to what the heck was really going to happen. Very conflicted.  I did skim. 

cover blurb - it's the  odyssey of two brothers crossing the world in search of an African soccer prodigy who might change their fortunes. 

Mark Wolfe is a technical writer. His much younger half-brother, Geoff, is  a very loser guy who's currently a soccer  agent, but always  looking for  the next "deal".  Geoff suckers  Mark into flying to England,  then France,  then Africa searching for Godwin, a kid once seen on a  film who could be the absolute best.   Is this a unicorn? Why does Mark join in on Geoff's scheme?  Is he seeking  something more to  his life,  yet he has a wife and daughter that he loves?  And the mother of Mark and Geoff is an  elusive  character that  does pop in - hence the reason  to fast forward (skim) the book. 

How's that for a review? The end surprised me.  Kinda glad I did skim. 


  1. They can't all be winners. Oh well. Good on you for persisting to the end anyhow.
    Cheers and stay well, friend.

    1. There was just the hint of something that kept me going. I’m ever the optimist with books.
      Have a good week!

  2. Hi Joanne ... if one starts it's difficult to put down ... interesting to read here - but doubt I'll get to it ...cheers Hilary

    1. Count my review in your read column. No need for you to slog through. You are welcome.
