Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Whatever Wednesday - Flashback to Honors English

 A friend loaned me some books and I've read and enjoyed most of them.  Circe by Madeline  Miller kept going to the  bottom  of my stack. I'd read the cover blurb and inwardly said, "Ugh, Greek mythology." 

As a  longtime reader and lover  of school, I never did enjoy stories of the gods. I loved Honors English in high school,  but the  section on  the Greeks and, not  so much. I'd mix and match them. If I watched Jeopardy and  that was a category, I hadn't a clue.  So, finally ( since Ann said she'd "loved"  this book), I decided to plow into it. 

The writing  was fine. The  story jogged my memory on Helios, god of sun. Circe was banished  to an island due  to  her mix with mortals  and witchcraft. She fooled around with Daedalus and had sons with Odysseus. She endured the wrath of Athena.  I read along as if it was homework again. 

It is a soap opera - family rivalry, palace intrigue, lots of death, lots of sex, and yes Circe was a very strong  female in  a man's world.  Rah. 

(still not into mythology, but I do  respect the  stories and what  they represent) 


  1. Interesting ... it's one I've been trying to read ... and noted relatively recently that Jessica Bell of Vine Leaves Press loved it ... I will try again - thanks for this update - cheers Hilary

    1. Well, good luck with it. Perhaps you will have some insight and can enlighten me on the subject. Cheers!
