Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Whatever Wednesday - Renaissance Tapestries

Once again the Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth brings us Renaissance treasures to enjoy.  This stunning Italian armor is  our introduction to the Battle of Pavia, fought on February 24, 1525 by the forces of Charles V (Habsburg ruler, Holy Roman Emperor) versus the King of France, Francis I. 

After a long siege in Pavia in northern Italy, Charles V proved the victor. His technological superiority was thanks to powerful weapons and riflemen. 

 Seven tapestries were designed by court artist Bernard van Orley and woven in the Brussels atelier of Willem and Jan Dermoyne.  They were presented as a gift in 1531.  They've been restored and are now on display.  Absolutely stunning in color, depth, detail, and size.  I was in awe as I spent over an hour studying the detail and historical story told in these tapestries. 
Here's an example of just one teensy piece. Notice the rich colors, the teeming masses, action, detail, and expressions.   Every piece has a huge story to tell of battle, Pavian life, and death. 

Along with the tapestries are pieces from the Farnese Armory - masterworks of steel carving and fretwork. 

Thank you Kimbell Art  Museum in Fort Worth.  Go visit and support your local museums.  They are a treasure unto themselves. 


  1. Hi Joanne - I imagine they'd be incredible to see ... and to think these were all over the 'palaces' many centuries ago. Also I note the steel carving and fetwork pieces too ... I'm so pleased you're able to see these and let us see them - cheers Hilary

    1. The detail is incredible. Pictures don’t do them justice. The colors are vibrant!
