Monday, August 12, 2024

Monday Moments - Water Baby

 Yes I am probably on drugs now and in PT with my shoulder stuff.

Meanwhile - we had the family for a swim and Levi got his first pool Sunday.  What a pro at nine months.  Nifty pool floatie thing - that helped.

But he was a happy boy and kicked his feet a bunch in the water.  No fear, no tears. 

Oh yeah - he's a Faries!   Good job, kid-o


  1. Hi Joanne - good to see you on a high! Poor Levi does he know the family he's got himself into? Hope all well - take care ... cheers H xo

    1. Ha! Yes he is stuck in the crazy.

  2. Sounds like Levi had an amazing time at the pool! It’s great to hear he’s so comfortable in the water and enjoying himself at just nine months old. That nifty floatie sounds like it was a game-changer for him. It's wonderful to see him so happy and fearless!

    By the way, I just shared a new fashion post on my blog. I’d love to hear your thoughts on it if you get a chance to check it out!

  3. Hope it all went well and the PT helps.
    That's quite the floatie for a baby.

    1. Doing okayish. Minimal pain. Thanks
