Monday, November 23, 2015

Gotta Laugh

Oh the genius of Pearls Before Swine. Always good for a laugh

Happy Week, everybody


  1. At school, I had to write 10k on Jane Eyre, Far From the Madding Crowd and, er... another one. I now hate each one of them with a passion!

    1. this comic strip author often bashes "boring literature" - he must have been burned by a 10k paper too.

  2. Ha! Well, I'm sure there are many who see it that way. :D

  3. Hi Joanne - the cartoonist is very clever .. what fun to read and see - great for NaNo month!! Cheers Hilary

  4. Well, then, I hope "It's An Adventure" isn't great literature.

    1. I don't know why you didn't go for the great literature category

  5. Yeah, there's a real danger of that.

  6. So much truth. They just validated me. I suppose I should be thankful my book has not been launched into the category of "great literature." I don't want it to bore.

    PS I enjoyed your delightful book and left a review. Sorry it took me so long.

    PPS Have a fabulous Thanksgiving, Joanne.

    1. thanks much for reading my book - "not good literature" is an okay review - ha.

  7. Too funny. I still try to read some of those works of "great literature" I didn't get the first time round. Sometimes I do OK...others...just...not.

    1. and back in school, the teachers went for so much symbolism and junk it took the fun away. I actually read "Middlemarch" recently and enjoyed it after a teensy bit of skimming.

  8. Pearls Before Swine is one of my favorite strips. I read them online when I remember to.

    10,000 words on Jane Eyre? That's like 40 pages... And see, that's why people hate the classics. Nothing against the story or the author, but English literature teachers ruin the experience by obsessing over minutiae that really has nothing to do with the story or the characters. I remember a discussion about why The Great Gatsby wore a pink suit. Because his purple one was at the cleaners! Geez...
