Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Movie Review Madness - Jason Bourne

Bottom line – Jason Bourne, the new film), is a boring retread. I had high expectations and they were crushed by a yawn inducing tale of a network of terror and technology with unchecked power.  

Once again Jason (the always decent Matt Damon) is having flashbacks and remembering stuff. It’s been ten years since he went off the grid, but he’s back in sight thanks to Nicky Parsons (Julia Stiles), his former contact. Well, the agency is tracking her hacking and it’s a vicious circle of exposure. A weary director Dewey (Tommy Lee Jones) wants Bourne erased. A newby agent Lee (Alicia Vikander) sees her chance for a power grab and she tries to lure him in. Oh so innocent, she’s not aware of Dewey’s orders and the evil Vincent Cassel who wants revenge on Bourne for past problems.  Plus, now there’s a super internet mogul who’s partnered with the devil Dewey and has no idea of the ramifications of getting in bed with the government.

Chase after chase after chase after chase. Been there, done that.  It’s a shame that nothing new is brought to the excellent Bourne series.  With furrowed brow and curled fists, Damon does his best to fight evil and he’s always one step ahead.  That’s the good part. Unfortunately I needed Dramamine for the film’s shaky camera – have you feel like you are in the middle of things – perspective. Whew. My head was spinning by the end, and not in a good way.

Save your money and stream Jason Bourne someday.  I regret saying this is not worth popcorn and a soda. 


  1. I had a feeling about this one. Glad I skipped it.

    1. You were smart. Watch in a month or so on tv

  2. Glad I skipped it too. I'll wait for Netflix. Ugg to the shaky camera crap.

  3. Your review reads very similar to a couple others I've seen. One of my friends saw it and said it was only 'ok'.

    1. I had read mixed reviews and counted on Matt. He was fine but...

  4. Thanks for the review. We usually see movies late when they are available to rent, so maybe it will be worth the $1.63 from Redbox?


  5. How disappointing. Thanks for the info. I'll wait until it hits Netflix.

  6. I only see movies on the TV Haven't been to the cinema in years.

    1. I still like the big screen and cinema experience. Plus the place I like is cheap

  7. That's a shame. I probably would be sleeping too soundly during it, I wouldn't need Dramamine. Sorry for that time you'll never retrieve, Joanne. Nice of you to warn us.

  8. You know, it's kind of interesting because the Bourne movies set a new precedent in film making in a regard, and now the movies have been mimicked so much that they're old hat. It gave me pause to look at the history.

  9. We just recently saw this. It was my husband's choice not mine. My comment to him afterwards was that nothing really happened--that it was just one long chase scene. He enjoyed it. It wasn't my cup of tea.

    1. you and I seem to really agree. Sorry you couldn't see my review first - maybe I could have saved you
