Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Stumble into 2017

I shall ramp up and start writing and posting reviews again. I saw a variety of movies and read an assortment of books over the past few weeks, in between working. Plenty to recommend.

However, after reading posts reflecting on 2016 and oozing into 2017, I decided to begin my blog year with my Ray of sunshine.  He sent me this picture on Saturday, New Year's Eve Day and said he was thinking of me. Aw shucks!!! I know I broke into a grin at seeing it, and it makes me smile still.

Yes, he was at his deer lease (his aunt's place) and having a grand time. I was home and quite content with Netflix and books. After twenty seven years of marriage, we can be apart for a holiday. Frankly, I've never been keen on New Year's, so this was fine and he came home Sunday late afternoon.

A cactus piece shaped like a heart.........sorta sums up love.

You've got to treat it with respect.

'Nuff said.


  1. So sweet!!! Neat to have that type of love after 27 years too :) Such a cute cactus heart!


    1. hey, if you're going to be in the country there has to be some reward

  2. Is he saying you have thorns and to watch out? lol yeah, meh to new years I say too.

  3. I LOVE that picture! Your fella is a real keeper. :) (I hope he brought some venison home with him...)

    Happy New Year!

    1. unfortunately he did bring home want my share??
      He is a keeper, though. I'd rather he turn into a fisherman (for salmon!)

    2. YES! I don't miss my guy going off to hunt, but I DO miss being able to pull that yummy meat out of the freezer. (Don't miss having to process all of it when he brought a deer home, though.)

      LOVE salmon... but in Texas???

  4. Aw, how sweet. Apart but still thinking of each other - that's a strong relationship! Happy New Year.

    1. thanks. yep - it works out great and it's not that he's gone that often

  5. He scored some points, didn't he?
    Happy 2017!

    1. oh yeah. You know how that goes - gotta build up a stash.

  6. got the prickly pear heart award, quiet time and venison to boot or should that be to hoot!!!! Happy New Year...looking forward to those reviews. I'm so far behind on movies, books and all things except fiberist related. I celebrated the New Year coughing up thread balls...a side effect of cedar fever...uck!!!

    1. I'll get you up to speed on the arts. Drink some herbal tea to soothe that throat.

  7. That picture makes me smile, too! Happy New Year, Joanne. Thank you for your kind words.

  8. Aw, that is such a sweet picture. I like your analogy on the cactus shaped like a heart too.

  9. New Years, as holidays go, is usually a serene, introspective time for me.
    Bonus this year?
    No hangover!

  10. Awwwww that's soooo sweet of him! Happy New Year Joanne!

  11. Hi Joanne - what fun ... love the heart and as you say you both had some space doing what you both love doing ... have a very happy year ahead Mr and Mrs Faries - cactus spikes or nay! Cheers Hilary
