Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Wednesday Wisdom and Wacky

One should always be a little improbable - Oscar Wilde

You alone are enough...You have nothing to prove to anybody - Maya Angelou

The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself - Anna Quindlen

So  - Happy Wednesday and just march to your own beat.  Smile mysteriously and keep everyone guessing.

Yep - here's the wacky. Our Dallas Stars Hockey came to the suburbs for a practice. Here I am with Victor the mascot.  Yes, I pushed children out of the way for this pic. And unlike them, I did not kick him/her in the shins.  Fun to watch practice - those guys had to hustle after a bad loss on Fri eve - Coach made them work!


  1. Who kicks a mascot anyway? Rotten kids.

    1. the same kids that kick Chuck E. Cheese. Son Chris worked there and said wearing the outfit was horrible - kids either hugged or kicked.

  2. I think I have my own beat down.

    Mean kids kicking the poor guy

    1. it happens. Little ones can be scared - like clowns or any costumed character. Scream on Santa's lap....

  3. Ah, Victor looks as lovable as you. Thank you for your sagely wisdom, Joanne. Even though it's Thursday, I shall apply that mindset: march to my own beat, smile mysteriously and keep everyone guessing. A perfect mantra.
    Virtual hugs.

    1. thanks. It's tough to follow my own wisdom. Had to try to be chill today despite hating guys at work. They should listen to ME. Almost the weekend - hug back to you!

  4. That pic of you and the mascot is adorable! SUCH a big smile. :)

    Great quotes, but I've gotta ask... is that even a thing? I mean, do some people ever really think of themselves as perfect??? If so, man, their lives must suck. (Not to mention the lives of the people around them...)

  5. I don't think anyone thinks they are truly perfect in the big sense, but you have to think of yourself as the perfect Susan S. and go from there. Some days you believe, others you have to go that extra mile for your own version. Hey, I'm still drinking my Oprah Koolaid - anything is possible in 2020. ha!

  6. Such a cute picture of you and the mascot. Victor looks like he's ready for St. Paddy's day. Hope you have a wonderful and wacky weekend!
