Friday, January 28, 2022

Friday Frivolity - Oh Winnie the Pooh

TGIF  - last week had Winnie the Pooh Day, but I think his sayings are good for any day. Hope everyone is staying well, dodging the germs, and muddling along. January has been quite the challenge. Hmm, What shall February bring us?
Smile as you shovel - February can be quite contrary

 And this is a cake!   Yes, we enjoyed a retirement/birthday party for the matriarch of Knight Electronics  - Ray's former employer. We were invited to a lovely dinner, celebration, and cake. 

She helped found the company and handled all office requirements on an old typewriter - in triplicate. 

Stay warm, have a good weekend, and eat cake!


  1. Hi Joanne - Pooh is a philosopher ... but thoughtful comments to think about. How delicious to enjoy that dinner ... celebration and cake (to boot) ... cheers and enjoy your weekends no worries re a Monday! - Hilary

    1. life is always good with Pooh and cake. All good here

  2. Winnie's the most loveable of lovable characters.

    Have a winning week ahead.

    1. Always a good fallback blog post to take us into the weekend and beyond. Hope all well with you.
