Friday, January 21, 2022

Friday Frivolity and Mishmash

It's Friday, it's January, here's a mishmash of life from me so far.  

Ray and I finally caught Spider-Man: No Way Home in the theater. It was very fun - a multi-verse conglomeration of Dr. Strange, various villains, and lovely spidey fun with Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maquire - great to see them. Marisa Tomei is always a treat as Aunt May. Best of all, Tom Holland exudes such sincerity. I'm not going into plot lines or a big discourse. This is an excellent Marvel movie and superb entertainment on the big screen. 
Well, I've signed up for pickleball at the local college in the senior program. It starts in February. The odds of sucking are high since I'm not the most coordinated person in the world. However, I'm very psyched for the fun and exercise.  And I realize, do not go into this with negativity. I'm being brave. New kid on the senior playground. 
Thanks Mr. Edison
How about if you are stuck in the muck on a Sunday afternoon like Kevin in his zoom zoom car? Yes - he did get out thanks to Ray's winch on his RZR. 
We need puddles and rain. And we need more rain. Not a tsunami, not tons of snow. Texas needs rain. We are in drought conditions again and we count on January - April for some of the wet stuff.  Heck, I'll play pickleball in the rain if it's necessary. 

Finally a quote from Ben Franklin to take into your weekend:
The best  thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; and to your child, a good example. 



  1. I especially like Edison's quote, Joanne. You haven't. Have a blast at pickleball. Sometimes klutziness can make things ever more fun--at least for me. I'm sure you'll do just fine.
    Happy, safe, warm weekend.

    1. Thanks. And yes, as the klutz, I do make life more entertaining (at least for Ray - ha)
      Weekend's been good so far. Hope yours is too

  2. Hi Joanne - our weather is having its moments isn't it ... hope you have some healthy type of wet stuff. Love the sound of you joining the local pickleball club - you've inspired me to check it out here - now it's available locally and I know about it ... it's there for me when the time comes right.

    So pleased to see you're getting to the local theatre and able to enjoy films together with Ray ...

    Excellent - cheers Hilary

    1. We are trying to get out without being crazy. Still wearing mask and avoiding crowds. Or doing outdoor activity when it's nice. Glad you are checking out new stuff -you never know what turns out to be fun. Take care
