Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Whatever Wednesday - Wrong Place, Wrong Time - Wow

 I finished 2022 with a wow of a book - Wrong Place, Wrong  Time by Gillian McAllister. 

Jen waits for seventeen year old, Todd, to get home.  It's past curfew. She sees him coming up the street. In front of the house, another man appears. She shouts to wake her husband, Kelly. In front of her eyes, Todd stabs this man. Why?  What?  Why?

Wake up next morning and it's yesterday. 

Wake up and it's the day before yesterday. 

What is going  on with Jen? Can she prevent what she thinks happens? 

This combo time loop/ thriller/  mystery is filled with lots of twists and turns. 

Can't say more. McAllister writes a great story with quite a plot, interesting characters, and surprises. 

Start off your 2023 with a wow of a book. 


  1. Oh wow! That sounds intense! Happy New Year, Joanne.

    1. I like a book that really surprises me. This one was wow

  2. Hi Joanne - a British author I see ... she might have been at Uni with the daughter of a friend of mine - I must check ... this sounds a fascinating read. Great to know about - the library will be called to order for this! Cheers Hilary
