Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Book Review - Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

 Me Before You by Jojo Moyes is a rom-com book with heart. It's one of three in a series and this first one is compelling. I'd seen the movie a long time ago.  A friend (Linda Hoffman!!) lent me this book and as I read it, the story returned to me.  (Note - I can't remember crap anymore - ha!)

Louisa Clark is very ordinary and has been told she's a bit daft and not destined for much in her small village. Her older sister, Treena, is the sharp one destined for a lot, except she did get pregnant and had to drop out of college. So, there is that. 

Louisa has a boyfriend, Patrick, who's life is health and training for marathons, etc - he is very into Patrick. But they've been together forever, so there is that. 

Louisa gets out of her comfort zone with a new job. She's been hired to aid Will Traynor, an ex-Master of the Universe kind of guy who is now confined to a wheelchair. He's agreed to give his his folks six months of life before heading to Switzerland for an assisted death. Lou wants to show him life is worth living. 

There are twists and turns, ups and downs, and strong emotions in this book. Some predictability and some surprises. The book will tug at your heart and keep you turning pages. You'll root for Lou as she grows a lot and learns about love.  (Yes, I sniffled a bit in spots)


  1. Several years ago I sat in the middle of the Charlotte, NC airport reading this book, bawling my eyes out. I rarely cry when I read, but this one slayed me.

    1. Yep. The characters just hit deep

  2. Not my genre but glad you enjoyed it.

    1. I understand. But in this genre it’s a good one

  3. I love books that make you feel something. It sounds like this one does just that.

    Have a Happy Easter!

    1. I am almost done with the trilogy and this character has been fun- flawed, kind, and really on a journey. You’d like it

  4. Lou sounds like a lovely character, and that's great the book tackles assisted death through what is typically considered light reading.

    On a totally different note too much "Me before You" has led the world to where we are right now, not a good place.

    1. Indeed- unfortunate title in some sense. You always capture the deeper edge.

  5. Hi Joanne - she's going onto my library to get book list! I see you've another post out on her ... I'll definitely read some of her works. Interesting note from Nila ... pertinent and to straight to the point ... cheers Hilary

    1. Nila always gets it right.
      As for this trilogy, it’s really good. Enjoy!
