Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Whatever Wednesday - Book vs Movie (Discuss)

If you love movies and you love books, this But Have You Read the Book? by Kristen Lopez is wonderful. Fifty two literary gems that inspired awesome films.  This is a good checklist to  review and fill in the blanks  for your cinematic and literary knowledge. 
Short descriptions discuss how films like Clueless by Amy Heckerling inspired by Jane Austen's Emma diverged from the original. Or One  Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest movie version shifted the point of view. 

back blurb  Lopez explores just what makes these works classics of both page and screen, and why each made for an exceptional adaptation - whether faithful to the book or exemplifying cinematic creative license. 

I personally plan  to revisit quite a few of these works - get the book  from the library, read, and then find  the movie and do my own  comparison. I've seen a LOT of  these as movies but how quickly one forgets. Same with the books.  Rebecca, The Joy Luck Club, The Talented Mr. Ripley....this is going  to be a fun project.

Anybody else want  to join in?   

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like such a fun thing to do!

    I first read Pride & Prejudice because I stumbled across the 1940-something black and white version, complete with crinolines (no, costume designer, just no!) and a nice Lady Catherine de Bourgh. The ending was just so terrible that I had to know what really happened.
